Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letting go of a relationship- The other side...

Alright ! I had mentioned I will write something about our neighbour. Her daughter is my daughters childhood friend and I find her approach to life very intriguing. She is a PhD holder and extremely full of life. She is a housewife now - not be default but by design. She chose to spend time with her daughter. By nature, she comes across as someone who is very confident and is always helpful. She loves to interact and socialize. That's the reason despite hardly having anytime for neighbourhood happenings, I manage to catch up with her.

Few years back when we hardly knew each other, she had one of the most terrible happenings of her life. I hardly knew her then and I have vague memories of my maid coming and telling me that something has happened with the lady in the next bay. In a nut shell, she and her husband separated - she walked out , her parents came and the matter even reached the court with some repercussions. The story is not that. The story is that 3-4 months later , they had a reconciliation. She came back with her daughter in the same house with some preconditions. In a nutshell, if you see on the surface, she has given up much to get may be much less.

The natural reaction after hearing her side is to why did she come back ? There was no parental pressure, infact they wanted her to stay with her. She always knew that she is educated enough to have a professional life of her own to support herself and her girl. She also knew that coming back means severing ties with some of her closed ones. Hers was also an arranged marriage - this means no self guilt of making a choice yourself which has gone wrong and she did not believe in the cliche that she wanted to come back for the child for she believes the child will grow well on the environment in which she is brought up.

I asked her the same one day and here lies the beauty of her thoughts and soul. These are her thoughts on this and she wanted me to share it with a wider group and get their opinion.

mentioned that all the reasons mentioned above actually gave her the strength to come back. She very strongly feels that not all human beings are perfect to live in a synchronised harmony and varying temperaments often lead to clashes like in her case. But she believes that the best of yours and the worst of yours depend on circumstances. That don't make her husband a bad guy or her a suffering doll. In the heat of the moment, she thought of this being the end of the road and walked out but when she sat down to think, she realized that had the same argument/ behaviour would have happened with her father or brother , would she have decided to react the way she did. We often have personality clashes with our parents, siblings and even friends but in all these relationships, we also try to go out of our way to make changes , to amend ways and make it as smooth as possible. But when it comes to your life partner, why is the patience so thin? In her case, she also realized that often due to the laws being in favour of a woman, her husband ended up suffering more than she did in the whole process. She did not choose her parents and siblings but lived with them in all circumstances-good or bad and letting that bond of love grow. In their relationship, very early both she and the husband started evaluating whether whose changing for whom rather than working on it with a mindset that we are here for good and we will adjust to these circumstances mutually and let that bond of love grow. and that she said made her come back.

In her 2 years of marriage before the incident, she had not even begun on the journey of marriage being a long lasting institution. It was a pros and cons analysis always backed by the fact that I am a woman of today who has family support and a great job and I can walk out anytime to support myself so why do I need to even bother about nurturing the relationship..

That brought me to my second question to her : But what about your partner ? Shouldn't he be thinking like you as well ?

Here's whats her take on it . Some of which I agree and some difficult to reconcile with but then each one of us have a different approach to life. Per her, most relationships end without even an effort on the expectation that if I am taking 2 steps forward, why does not he makes the same effort. Once she decided to give her relationship another shot, it was her decision and she needs to take the same forward. If her decision to take a step forward is conditional, then she is again looking for bargain in the relationship. She was of the belief that if she makes an earnest effort , there is a time when the other person responds. She ended her story to me saying -" it might sound cliched that love can move mountains but I can tell you it does- provided you keep the faith ."

I see them as good threesome living a balanced normal life like all of us. On the surface a lot of people might think that its eventually her who made the compromise and came back . I look up to her as a person who had the courage to keep ego, hurt, anger aside and embark on to nurture her relationship with love and care. If there are women who have been strong enough to walkout and take charge of their life and children ( and personally I have the highest regard for them as well), it was endearing to hear another side.

Why did I put down her approach to life considering that I find myself difficult to agree with some parts of it .Because I find her whole approach very different and fresh. Its something I don't hear from anywhere. We are so consumed by singular individuality that probably we don't even let some of these approaches also into consideration at all. Some may say her approach is so esoteric but I see them today enjoying her family life.
I had started this post few days back and happy to post it on International Women's Day . Happy reading and wishing all my friends happy women's day - especially to male readers- they need special congratulations for being lucky to have some wonderful women in their life.


monika said...

hi Arnica ...nice to read your views on these issues.Really ,in today's world we are complicating things unnecessarily by having huge egos.I think egos is one of the biggest reason of growing discord amongst not only couples but many close relations.I personally feel that I as a woman has more responsibility of keeping the harmony amongst the family ,in fact I feel proud of it.Its just the way of looking at things because for me it is like I am the most important person in the family who decides whether I make or break a relationship.but saying this it doesn't mean that u have to bow down to everything,there is a difference between self respect and ego.Motto has to be "lets uncomplicate"

Connector said...

Thanks Monika. I really like the " lets uncomplicate things". very important in todays world

Anonymous said...

I think her approach is the commonest approach one sees. Women in India (and I am sure some men too) prefer to stay in relationships they are used to (even if they are not happy in those relationships) because unknown devil is seen as scarier. The effort to begin again is seen as bigger than the effort to continue life the way it was going - maybe it is inertia or maybe it is habit.
Sometimes, I suppose, it is easier to just give up and accept a situation...

Connector said...

IHM- May be its also of people who see optimisim in situations rathar than the grim pictures and go by the belief that relationships should be persevered and nutured.

Mal said...

Beautiful. I think it takes a lot out of a person to acknowledge that life is not just about them. Being selfless is the highest quality one can possess. Eventually, the other person does realize this quality and will put his/her best foot forward. It might not be in the same pace as the one who's taken responsibilty but nevertheless it is an appreciable effort.
Most people expect others to change overnight without giving a thought to how close minded they themselves are (incase of majority of MIL/DIL relationship).
It takes immense strength and patience to put yourself in the other person's shoes before retaliating. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind" is apt here don't you think?
I also think maturity comes from experience. I cannot possibly expect my elderly MIL to understand my approach to life without giving her a chance.
Finally, I think it is all within us regardless of any number of varied relationships in one's lifetime!

Connector said...

very well said Mal. Its like once when my husband said that you want your parents or my parents to change at 60+ years of living a particular way and you having lived only half that age are not willing to make a change